Driving Innovation: AI, Talent Retention, and the Future
Curious about how the automotive industry is embracing new technologies? In this episode of the Leap Forward podcast, we sit down with Russ Younghusband, an expert in automotive technology and rugged computing. As the Global Automotive Director of Getac, Russ draws on his wealth of experience to give us valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities emerging from the digital transformation of the automotive industry.
He shares his perspective on the latest innovations, including the integration of AI and the growing importance of data security in modern vehicles, and tells us how the industry is navigating the shift towards electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and smart technologies.
Drawing on his experience working in global markets, Russ also offers advice on talent retention and the importance of keeping a skilled workforce. He shares insights for young professionals aspiring to build careers in the rapidly evolving automotive industry, giving advice on how to not only stand out but make an impact.
Digital transformation in the automotive industry.
Career overview in automotive technology and rugged computing.
How technology supports field workers and public safety.
Combining rugged computing with software for digital transformation.
B2B solutions for OEMs in the automotive industry.
Role in hydrogen commercial vehicle production.
Serving customers in harsh environments like testing and manufacturing.
AI-based devices for field applications.
Customer feedback drives motivation and success.
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