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Customer Retention and the EV Shift in Automotive with Nancy Rignall

On this episode of Leap Forward, we sit down with Nancy Rignall, founder and managing director of Prospecting Dynamics, to discuss her journey in the automotive industry. From her early days at Ford to leading a business focused on customer retention, Nancy shares insights on EV adoption, shifting consumer behaviour, and the role of human connection in a tech-driven world. She also offers advice on navigating industry challenges and championing diversity.


Nancy shares her journey in the automotive industry


Overview of Prospecting Dynamics and its role in dealership profitability


Nancy discusses her hands-on involvement in every project


Career shift from Ford to managing a dealer site


Personal challenges that led to starting Prospecting Dynamics


Birth and early growth of the company by word of mouth


Industry challenges in EV adoption and shifting consumer behaviour


Struggles of the dealer network during the EV transition


How Prospecting Dynamics adds value in tough times


Using AI to enhance human-driven services


Skepticism towards chatbots and the importance of human interaction


Growing need for communication and soft skills in the workforce


Call to action for young talent to enter the automotive industry

Podcast #21 - from 19 February 2025

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